By order of the court, the WBR Clerk’s Office will be closed on Tuesday January 21, 2025 and Wednesday, January 22, 2025. See orders: Closure 1.21.25
Electronic Filing is now available in the West Baton Rouge Clerk of Court for Civil and Criminal. To get started, log in or create an account at Clerk Connect
The West Baton Rouge Clerk of Court and the Louisiana Clerks Remote Access Authority (LCRAA) are excited to announce eClerks Alert will be available for the State of Louisiana beginning JULY 1, 2023 at:
This free service is available for anyone that wants to receive an alert of any filings in the land records in their name in a clerk’s office throughout the state of Louisiana. You can register to monitor one parish or up to all 64 parishes. eClerks Alert keeps you informed by monitoring land record recording and notifying you of possible fraudulent activity. For more information, visit eClerks Alert Help Guide/FAQ.
- Monitor up to 5 names per account
- Select up to 64 Parishes
- Allows for both text and email notification
We are committed to delivering quality service in an efficient manner to all users of our office.
In Louisiana, parish clerks of court are charged with maintaining the parish’s civil and criminal court records and serving as the recorder of mortgages, conveyances, and other authentic acts. Also, the clerk of court is responsible for the operations of all elections held in the parish.

Meet the Clerk
Amanda Gross Thies begins her her first term of office as Clerk of Court on July 1, 2024. Amanda, a graduate of Louisiana Tech University and Louisiana State University’s Paul M. Hebert School Law, is a West Baton Rouge Parish native and previously served the public as Chief Deputy Clerk and a Judicial Law Clerk in the 18th JDC.