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The civil department receives all filings in civil suits, successions, adoptions and related matters. Responsibilities include the acceptance and filing of petitions, pleadings, exhibits, answers, and the issuance of civil subpoenas, writs and citations. These documents are posted and scanned into the civil database for the maintenance and accounting of the suit record.

The department’s minute clerks are responsible for outlining the court proceeding in each individual’s case and maintaining any evidence introduced during these proceedings.

An index is available for civil case information through this website’s esearch feature.

When mailing original documents, please send to P.O. Box 107, Port Allen, LA 70767.  Our fax number for fax filings is 225-383-3694.  For a list of Civil Fees click the Fees Link above.


Documents are now accepted through E-Filing.  For more information on E-Filing or to sign in, go to Clerk Connect.

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